And how the snow did fall
As the ice upon her soul reverberated its never ending chime—
Heart so full of sorrow
May you find a graveyard for your demons
Mark each tombstone with the blood they have provoked
You, yourself, you have provoked the scarlet
And the sanguine in which you bathe will not wash away your sin;
I martyr my soul for my Sisters Misguided
By amber eyes, silk words, and searing touch
Church sanctioned suicide
Holy Queen of Heaven
The only thing you taught us to do was inwardly die
Your self denial becomes our own physical ruin
After the void cannot be filled with caresses.
You deny me the womyn I love
To give me the bastards who spread their seed like tumbleweed along the mountainside
I will name them in DARKNESS
For only two belong in moonlight
Shown in all my glory for what I would bestow.
Darkness owns the rest, as he often reminds me.
Darkness owns the rest of me
Womyn of the Night
I would rather be Womyn of the Moonlight
Where diamonds of desire adorn my existentiality
Here I am not tarnished
Here I am not taken
Here I am given for what I am
Goddess and Ruler of the Night
Ruler and Vanquisher rather than Victim
Enveloped in the moonlight in place of Their scent—
Different creatures, yet all one aroma.
One scent, one scream, one secret
If only trees could talk then so could walls
Talking walls for voiceless children
Talking trees to whisper, “do not go this way, I do not trust his eye.”
Hail Holy Queen, Eternal Virgin
What help is a virgin who cannot conceive our pain?
Perfect and blameless with masculinity close to your heart—
You say, “My burden was my Messiah; my burden was to watch Him die.”
Watch Him die with masculinity close to your heart.
My burden, my Messiah is a man
My burden, what the cover of darkness does not reveal
What science erodes in 24 hours
But decades will never erase
Heart so full of sorrow
May you find a graveyard for your demons
Mark each tombstone with the blood they have provoked
You have provoked the scarlet
And the sanguine in which you bathe will not wash away your sin
My Misguided Sisters
I martyr my soul for amber eyes, silk words, and searing touch
Church sanctioned suicide.
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